Searching for “Manufacturer”

  • § 478.50 Locations covered by license.

    (d) A licensed importer, manufacturer, or dealer may engage in the business of dealing in curio or relic firearms with another licensee at any location pursuant to the provisions of § 478.100.

  • § 478.57 Discontinuance of business.

    (1) Liquidate the former licensee inventory by selling or otherwise disposing of the firearms to a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer for sale, auction, or pawn redemption in accordance with this part; or

  • § 478.73 Notice of revocation, suspension, or imposition of civil fine.

    (a) Basis for action. Whenever the Director has reason to believe that a licensee has willfully violated any provision of the Act or this part, a notice of revocation of the license, ATF Form 4500, may be issued. In addition, a notice of revocation of the license, on ATF Form 4500, may be issued whenever the Director has reason to believe that a licensee fails to have secure gun storage or safety devices available at any place in which firearms are sold under the license to persons who are not licensees (except in any case in which a secure gun storage or safety device is temporarily unavailable because of theft, casualty loss, consumer sales, backorders from a manufacturer, or any other similar reason beyond the control of the licensee). In addition, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 922(t)(5) and 18 U.S.C. 924(p), a notice of revocation, suspension, or imposition of a civil fine may be issued on ATF Form 4500 whenever the Director has reason to believe that a licensee has knowingly transferred a firearm to an unlicensed person and knowingly failed to comply with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 922(t)(1) with respect to the transfer and, at the time that the transferee most recently proposed the transfer, the national instant criminal background check system was operating and information was available to the system demonstrating that transfer to the transferee or their receipt of a firearm would violate 18 U.S.C. 922(d), 922(g), or 922(n) (as applicable), or State, local, or Tribal law; or that a licensee has violated 18 U.S.C. 922(z)(1) by selling, delivering, or transferring any handgun to any person other than a licensee, unless the transferee was provided with a secure gun storage or safety device for that handgun.

  • § 478.78 Operations by licensee after notice.

    (1) Liquidate the former licensee inventory by selling or otherwise disposing of the firearms to a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer for sale, auction, or pawn redemption in accordance with this part; or

  • § 478.44 Original license.

    (1) Any person who intends to engage in business as a firearms or ammunition importer or manufacturer, or firearms dealer, or who has not previously been licensed under the provisions of this part to so engage in business, or who has not timely submitted an application for renewal of the previous license issued under this part, must file an application for license, ATF Form 7 (Firearms), in duplicate, with ATF in accordance with the instructions on the form. The application must: