Searching for “Transfer”
§ 479.93 Transfers of firearms to certain persons.
Where the transfer of a destructive device, machine gun, short-barreled shotgun, or short-barreled rifle is to be made by a person licensed under the provisions of Title I of the Gun Control Act of 1968 (82 Stat. 1213) to a person not so licensed, the sworn statement required by § 478.98 of this chapter shall be attached to and accompany the transfer application required by this subpart.
§ 479.101 Registration of firearms.
(a) The Director shall maintain a central registry of all firearms in the United States which are not in the possession of or under the control of the United States. This registry shall be known as the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record and shall include:
§ 479.104 Registration of firearms by certain governmental entities.
Any State, any political subdivision thereof, or any official police organization of such a government entity engaged in criminal investigations, which acquires for official use a firearm not registered to it, such as by abandonment or by forfeiture, will register such firearm with the Director by filing Form 10 (Firearms), Registration of Firearms Acquired by Certain Governmental Entities, and such registration shall become a part of the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record. The application shall identify the applicant, describe each firearm covered by the application, show the location where each firearm usually will be kept, and, if the firearm is unserviceable, the application shall show how the firearm was made unserviceable. This section shall not apply to a firearm merely being held for use as evidence in a criminal proceeding. The Form 10 (Firearms) shall be executed in duplicate in accordance with the instructions thereon. Upon registering the firearm, the Director shall return the original Form 10 (Firearms) to the registrant with notification thereon that registration of the firearm has been made. The registration of any firearm under this section is for official use only and a subsequent transfer will be approved only to other governmental entities for official use.
§ 479.103 Registration of firearms manufactured.
Each manufacturer qualified under this part shall file with the Director an accurate notice on Form 2 (Firearms), Notice of Firearms Manufactured or Imported, executed under the penalties of perjury, to show his manufacture of firearms. The notice shall set forth the name and address of the manufacturer, identify his special (occupational) tax stamp and Federal firearms license, and show the date of manufacture, the type, model, length of barrel, overall length, caliber, gauge or size, serial numbers, and other marks of identification of the firearms he manufactures, and the place where the manufactured firearms will be kept. Except as provided in § 479.102(b)(4), all firearms manufactured by him during a single day shall be included on one notice, Form 2 (Firearms), filed by the manufacturer no later than the close of the next business day. The manufacturer shall prepare the notice, Form 2 (Firearms), in duplicate, file the original notice as prescribed herein and keep the copy with the records required by subpart I of this part at the premises covered by his special (occupational) tax stamp. Receipt of the notice, Form 2 (Firearms), by the Director shall effectuate the registration of the firearms listed on that notice. The requirements of this part relating to the transfer of a firearm are applicable to transfers by qualified manufacturers.
§ 479.161 National Firearms Act stamps.
“National Firearms Act” stamps evidencing payment of the transfer tax or tax on the making of a firearm are maintained by the Director. The remittance for purchase of the appropriate tax stamp shall be submitted with the application. Upon approval of the application, the Director will cause the appropriate tax to be paid by affixing the appropriate stamp to the application.
§ 479.131 Records.
For the purposes of this part, each manufacturer, importer, and dealer in firearms shall keep and maintain such records regarding the manufacture, importation, acquisition (whether by making, transfer, or otherwise), receipt, and disposition of firearms as are prescribed, and in the manner and place required, by part 478 of this chapter. In addition, each manufacturer, importer, and dealer shall maintain, in chronological order, at his place of business a separate record consisting of the documents required by this part showing the registration of any firearm to him. If firearms owned or possessed by a manufacturer, importer, or dealer are stored or kept on premises other than the place of business shown on his special (occupational) tax stamp, the record establishing registration shall show where such firearms are stored or kept. The records required by this part shall be readily accessible for inspection at all reasonable times by ATF officers.
§ 479.162 Stamps authorized.
Adhesive stamps of the $5 and $200 denomination, bearing the words “National Firearms Act,” have been prepared and only such stamps shall be used for the payment of the transfer tax and for the tax on the making of a firearm.
§ 479.52 State regulations.
Special tax stamps are merely receipts for the tax. Payment of tax under Federal law confers no privilege to act contrary to State law. One to whom a special tax stamp has been issued may still be punishable under a State law prohibiting or controlling the manufacture, possession or transfer of firearms. On the other hand, compliance with State law confers no immunity under Federal law. Persons who engage in the business of importing, manufacturing or dealing in firearms, in violation of the law of a State, are nevertheless required to pay special (occupational) tax as imposed under the internal revenue laws of the United States. For provisions relating to restrictive use of information furnished to comply with the provisions of this part see § 479.23.