Searching for “Revolver”
§ 478.126a Reporting multiple sales or other disposition of pistols and revolvers.
A licensee sells a pistol and revolver in a single transaction to an unlicensed person. This is a multiple sale and must be reported not later than the close of business on the date of the transaction.
§ 478.12 Definition of Frame or Receiver.
(3) The terms "variant" and "variants thereof" mean a weapon utilizing a similar frame or receiver design irrespective of new or different model designations or configurations, characteristics, features, components, accessories, or attachments. For example, an AK-type firearm with a short stock and a pistol grip is a pistol variant of an AK-type rifle, an AR-type firearm with a short stock and a pistol grip is a pistol variant of an AR-type rifle, and a revolving cylinder shotgun is a shotgun variant of a revolver.
§ 478.11 Meaning of terms.
Revolver. A projectile weapon, of the pistol type, having a breechloading chambered cylinder so arranged that the cocking of the hammer or movement of the trigger rotates it and brings the next cartridge in line with the barrel for firing.
§ 478.113 Importation by other licensees.
(B) The type (e.g., rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver and, in the case of ammunition only, ball, wadcutter, shot, etc.);
§ 478.113a Importation of firearm barrels by nonlicensees.
(B) The type (e.g., rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver);
§ 478.112 Importation by a licensed importer.
(B) The type ( e.g., rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver and, in the case of ammunition only, ball, wadcutter, shot, etc.);
§ 478.114 Importation by members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
(B) The type (e.g., rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver and, in the case of ammunition only, ball, wadcutter, shot, etc.);