§ 555.218 Table of distances for storage of explosive materials.
Table: American Table of Distances for Storage of Explosives (December 1910), as Revised and Approved by the Institute of Makers of Explosives—July, 1991.
Notes to the Table of Distances for Storage of Explosives
(1) Terms found in the table of distances for storage of explosive materials are defined in § 555.11.
(2) When two or more storage magazines are located on the same property, each magazine must comply with the minimum distances specified from inhabited buildings, railways, and highways, and, in addition, they should be separated from each other by not less than the distances shown for “Separation of Magazines,” except that the quantity of explosives contained in cap magazines shall govern in regard to the spacing of said cap magazines from magazines containing other explosives. If any two or more magazines are separated from each other by less than the specified “Separation of Magazines” distances, then such two or more magazines, as a group, must be considered as one magazine, and the total quantity of explosives stored in such group must be treated as if stored in a single magazine located on the site of any magazine of the group, and must comply with the minimum of distances specified from other magazines, inhabited buildings, railways, and highways.
(3) All types of blasting caps in strengths through No. 8 cap should be rated at 11/2 lbs. (1.5 lbs.) of explosives per 1,000 caps. For strengths higher than No. 8 cap, consult the manufacturer.
(4) For quantity and distance purposes, detonating cord of 50 or 60 grains per foot should be calculated as equivalent to 9 lbs. of high explosives per 1,000 feet. Heavier or lighter core loads should be rated proportionately.